PRDs, story maps, and Jira never played this well together

No more having to copy user stories and notes from the story mapping session, nor thinking about whether to do a user story map in the first place  
- Do story mapping that automatically populates and syncs with the document.
User story maps

Express your features as a set of user stories,

so that you can get different parts of team & stakeholders on the same page and avoid painful handovers

User story maps with input

Put your user stories on a story map,

so that you can working from a joint overview to find the most valuable slice of the feature

Slicing with a user story map

User story maps with drag-drop functionality, right in your epic documents. Story mapping is always one click away, either start with a story map or add stories first and then structure them on a map. Then easily send a release to Jira

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Seamlessly go back-and-forth between the story map its user stories,

so that you can both think about the high-level picture and capture the conversation about each user story

Story map linked to user story specs

Drill down/zoom in, add all the relevant details and facilitate structured decision-making without getting bogged down, as you can then just as easily, collapse and step back up using our outliner functionality

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Ship more product value with a new level of clarity and flow